Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department (CECE)…
Summer 2018
Dr. Panos Prevedouros gave a presentation “Autonomous and Driverless Vehicles: Hype, Reality and Sample Major Impacts” to ASCE Hawaii section on August 16, 2018.
Congratulations to Dr. Oceana Francis for her promotion to Associate Professor with tenure and Dr. Guohui Zhang for his promotion to Associate Professor
Our 1985 BSCE graduate Ed Shikada takes the helm as Palo Alto’s city manager. Congratulations!
The department is very proud to graduate its first native Hawaiian Doctorate student, Dr. Melia Iwamoto. Her PhD dissertation is titled “A Landslide Warning System for a Soil Slope on Oahu” and her advisor was Dr. Phillip Ooi. Dr. Iwamoto earned BS and MS degrees from our department in 2011 and 2014, respectively. During her studies at the UH, Melia won six prestigious awards including the Kresser ARCS® Award in Engineering, the Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, the ‘Imi Na’auao Scholarship endowed by the Legacy of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. She has produced four scientific publications and is currently working on more papers from her research findings. Dr. Melia Iwamoto teaches CEE 455: Geotechnical Engineering II for the department in summer 2018.
Beginning in the Fall 2018 semester, CEE majors will have the opportunity of choosing between three senior year tracts, the General one, the Structures track and the new Sustainability and Innovation (S+I) track. In the coming year, the advisors for the S+I track will be Dr. Oceana Francis and Dr. Panos Prevedouros.
The new CEE check sheet is posted: 2018 CEE Check Sheet. Students have the option to keep the check sheet they are currently on, or to switch to the latest one.
UH-Manoa College of Engineering 2018 promotion video is now posted for viewing.
The ASCE Committee on Student Members selected Dr. Roger Babcock to be one of the two recipients in 2018 for ASCE’s Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award. Dr. Babcock was chosen due to his outstanding work and dedication as a Faculty Advisor to the University of Hawaii at Manoa ASCE Student Chapter.
From all of us at CEE, many thanks and congratulations!
Dr. Prevedouros joined the invitation-only Scholars Strategy Network.