Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department (CECE)…
September 2018
CEEG (the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Club) organized a successful “Welcome Back” social on Friday, Sept 7 in Holmes Hall 244 to socialize and share helpful resources with new students. Future events were discussed, including coffee hours on the Holmes lanai, beach BBQs, and other gatherings.
CEE welcomes two new Assistant Professors Chunhee Cho and DoSoo Moon and two visiting faculty Drs. Gonzalo Corral and Eftihia Nathanail who have joined the department in Fall.
Dr. Chunhee Cho obtained his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His dissertation title was “Passive Antenna Sensor Design through Multi-Physics Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization.” Dr. Cho’s area of research specialty are Passive (battery-free) Wireless Sensor Design, Multi-Physics (electromagnetics-mechanics) Simulation, Low-Cost Multi-Functional Sensor, Data-Driven Monitoring System, and Structural Health Monitoring. He is teaching Structural Analysis CEE 381 in Fall 2018.
Dr. DoSoo Moon obtained his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His dissertation title was “Integrated Seismic Assessment and Design of Plan-irregular Structures”. Dr. Moon’s research interests include: multi-hazard sustainable and resilient infrastructures; risk assessment and mitigation, structural health monitoring with smart sensing, and earthquake engineering. In Fall 2018, he’s offering the graduate course Modern Structural Analysis CEE 681.
Dr. Gonzalo Corral joined the CEE Department in the Fall of 2018 to collaborate in geotechnical research and teach Geotechnical Engineering II (CEE 455) and Soil Behavior (CEE 696). His research interests are related to computational geotechnics, numerical modelling, constitutive models, soil behavior and earthquake geotechnical engineering. Dr. Corral received his PhD from MIT, his MSc from Universidad de Chile, and his structural engineering degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. He’s been a researcher and professor at different universities and a geotechnical consultant in national and international projects.
Dr. Eftihia Nathanail is TTlog’s Director and Associate Professor in Transportation Systems Design and Evaluation of the Department of Civil Engineering, at the University of Thessaly. She has joined CEE for fall semester 2018 and spring semester 2019, when she will be teaching Urban and Regional Transportation Planning (CEE 464) and Freight Transportation and Logistics (CEE 696). Her fields of research are transportation planning, transportation system design, intelligent transportation systems, behavioral modeling, intermodal transportation, logistics, multicriteria evaluation and optimization.