Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department (CECE)…
November 2019
Six Chi Epsilon (XE) undergraduate students: Renz Aspacio, Theodore Uekawa, Eric Bisch, Chandelle Takahashi, Mallory Hataishi, Nathan Mashiyama and Faculty Advisor Lin Shen attended the 32nd Annual Pacific District Conference held at the California State University in Los Angeles from November 8-10, 2019. Students competed against 13 other California universities from the Pacific District in chapter projects/presentations, committee reports, quiz (on various civil engineering disciplines and XE history), Simpson Strong Tie competition, soccer tournament, and other events. UH Chapter has won the Pacific District Chi Epsilon Cup five times in the last seven years, and got third place this year. Congratulations Chi Epsilon UHM
Chapter and hope we get the trophy back next time!

The ITE Hawaii Section organized various STEM activities in Holmes Hall on November 9, 2019. The event introduced transportation concepts to high school students interested in studying engineering. About 30 high school students from Iolani, Moanalua, Roosevelt, Waipahu, Maryknoll, and Pearl City attended the event and competition. Waipahu HS took first place. These high school student are active in their school’s engineering club. The ITE Student Chapter at UH Manoa along with Chi Epsilon and ASCE student chapter clubs also participated. The ITE student chapter took first place among the student chapters. Congrats to all for a fun and interesting event!