Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department (CECE)…
January 2019
Dr. Roger Babcock Jr. is 2019 ENGINEER OF THE YEAR. The Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies selected CEE professor Roger Babcock Jr. as the 2019 Engineer of the Year in Hawaii. Congratulations! See featured award in Wiliki O Hawaii Februray, 2019

MS student Rafaela de Melo Barros, past PhD graduate Jerry Ji, current PhD students Harrison Togia and Zhenning Li along with professors Archilla, Ma, Ooi, Prevedouros and Zhang represented CEE at the 98th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C. with posters, presentations, committee participation, etc. As always, the 15,000 participant strong TRB conference is a hectic but very enriching activity, with a lot of snow in the mix this year.

Dr. Paige Novak is the Dr. Alfred Yee Visiting Professor in our department in spring 2019 semester. Dr. Novak is Joseph T. and Rose S. Ling Chair in Environmental Engineering Professor at the Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Novak specializes in the biodegradation of contaminants and how to engineer systems to more effectively transform them . Dr. Novak’s research can be found at her Univ. of Minnesota faculty profile. Dr. Novak is offering CEE 696 Environmental Biotechnology in spring 2019.