Dr. Roger Chen, an Associate Professor in the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department (CECE)…
December 2017
CEE Associate Professor Michelle Teng retired on Dec. 31, 2017 after 25 years with the department. “I enjoyed my work at UH completely and love the time I spent with all my colleagues and students. I will cherish all the happy memories of the last 25 years and will miss everyone as I move to the next phase of my life. I care about the UH and will continue to be a supporter of the CEE department and college,” Dr. Teng said.
A great teacher, lab coordinator, advisor and mentor, Dr. Teng will be missed by students and faculty.
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa is pleased to be a part of the NASA Sponsor’s THP proposal titled “Improving snowpack estimation through advanced snow emissivity modeling and multivariate data assimilation” in response to the NNH17ZDA001N-THP solicitation. The University of Hawaii Investigator on this project is Dr. Sayed Bateni.
Kekoa Moriwaki was the Outstanding Graduating Senior for CEE in fall 2017 semester. He graduated with Honors from Kamehameha School and completed the civil engineering degree in 3 ½ years! Kekoa has some solid work experiences by part-timing at local civil engineering companies, Yogi Kwong Engineers and the R.M. Towill Corporation. Congratulations!
The Envision sustainability assessment tool developed at Princeton University is a comprehensive assessment of sustainability credits that is applicable to any type of infrastructure project. Those who pass the exam become Envision Sustainability Professionals or ENV SP. Adding Envision to the course CEE 444: Infrastructure: Project Impacts, Policy and Sustainability would have been a small success if about a dozen students tried the exam and maybe half of them passed it. It would have been a clear success if ten passed (i.e., more than a quarter of the class). It turns out that nearly all of them took the Envision exam and 30 out of 36 passed. Twenty six of our undergraduates have a professional certification before they actually have their degree! Plus four graduate students. Congratulations to all, and many thanks to ENV SP engineer Jon Young and LEED engineer Amber Takenouchi, PE who helped professor Panos Prevedouros with the Envision section in CEE 444.
Civil Engineering is a top-5 degree choice among all international students who enrolled at the UH-Manoa in the Fall 2017 semester.