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Edmond Cheng

Edmond Cheng

Emeritus Professor of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering
Office: Holmes 383

Areas of Specialty and Research Interest

  • Flood hydrology
  • Unsteady subsurface flow
  • Streamflow and extreme wind modeling and simulation
  • Extreme winds regionalization.


  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 1970
  • B.S., Hydraulics, National Taiwan University, 1961


  • Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1969 – 2010.
  • Engineer, Moinho Agua Branca S. A., 1964
  • Assistant Engineer, Shih-Man Dam Construction Commission, 1962-63
  • Engineer, Corps of Engineers, Chinese Army, Taiwan, 1961 – 62

Courses Taught

  • CEE 270: Applied Mechanics I: Statics
  • CEE 271: Applied Mechanics II: Dynamics
  • CEE 320: Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals
  • CEE 370: Mechanics of Materials
  • CEE 421: Engineering Hydraulics
  • CEE 426: Hydraulic Design
  • CEE 626: Surface Water Hydrology

Professional Activities

  • Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Awards and Honors:

  • American Society of Civil Engineers University of Hawaii Student Chapter’s Outstanding Faculty Award, 1991-1992
  • Chi Epsilon National Civil Engineering Honor Society Pacific District 1989 James M. Robbins Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • American Society of Civil Engineers University of Hawaii Student Chapter’s Outstanding Teaching Award, 1987-88, and 1988-89

Research Grants

  1. Teng, M.H. (P.I.) and Cheng, E. (Co-P.I.) “Instrumentation and monitoring of sand plugging and bridge scour at selected streams
    in Hawaii”, funded by Federal Highway Administration and Hawaii State Department of Transportation, 05/15/00-05/14/05.
  2. Cheng, E. (P.I.) “A study of extreme wind regionalization”, funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), 05/15/92″“04/30/97.
  3. Chiu, A. (P.I) and Cheng, E. (Co-P.I.) “An investigation of wind effects on structures II”, funded by National Science Foundation
    (NSF), 04/01/89 -03/31/91.
  4. Chiu, A. (P.I.) and Cheng, E. (Co-P.I.) “An investigation of wind effects on structures I”, funded by National Science Foundation
    (NSF), 09/85-09/87.
  5. Chiu, A. (P.I.) and Cheng, E. (Co-P.I.) “Risk analysis for natural hazards damage mitigation II”, funded by National Science
    Foundation (NSF), 04/82-03/85.
  6. Chiu, A. (P.I.) and Cheng, E. (Co-P.I.) “Risk analysis for natural hazards damage mitigation I”, funded by National Science
    Foundation (NSF), 08/80-08/82.

Selected Publications

  1. Cheng, E. D. H. and Yeung C. 2002 Generalized extreme gust wind speeds distributions. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
    Aerodynamics, Vol. 90, pp. 1657-1669.
  2. Cheng, E. D. H. 2000 Feasibility study of a wind-powered pump-storaged hydroelectric system. Journal of Wind Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 2,
    pp. 111-117.
  3. Cheng, E. D. H. 1998 Macroscopic extreme wind regionalization. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 77-78,
    pp. 13-22.
  4. Cheng, E. D. H., and Shang, J. 1998 Kinematic flow model based extreme wind simulation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
    Aerodynamics, Vol. 77-78, pp. 1-12.
  5. Cheng, E. D. H. 1998 Economic viability of a wind-powered hydroelectric system. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,
    Vol. 74-76, pp. 411-418.
  6. Cheng, E. D. H. and Dugan, G. L. 1995 Low-energy mixing in algal culture raceway. ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 121, No.
    3, pp.100-107.
  7. Cheng, E. D. H., and Chiu, A. N. L. 1994 Short-record-based extreme wind simulation. Journal of Research of the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology, Vol. 99, No. 4, pp. 391-397.
  8. Cheng, E. D. H. 1991 Wind data generator: a knowledge-based expert system. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics,
    Vol. 38, pp. 101-108.
  9. Cheng, E. D. H., and Chiu, A. N. L. 1990 Simulation technique for tropical cyclone occurrences. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
    Aerodynamics, Vol. 36, pp. 393-401.
  10. Cheng, E. D. H., and Chiu, A. N. L. 1990 An expert system for extreme wind simulation. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
    Aerodynamics, Vol. 36, pp. 1235-1232.
  11. Cheng, E. D. H., and Chiu, A. N. L. 1988 Extreme winds generated from short records in a tropical cyclone-prone region. Journal of
    Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 28, pp. 69-78.
  12. Cheng, E. D. H., and Chiu, A. N. L. 1985 Extreme winds simulated from short-period records. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,
    Vol. 111, No. 1, paper no. 19429.
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