April 2019
Sabrina Diemert, a third year CEE PhD student with Dr. Tao Yan as her PhD advisor, won first place and the people’s choice award (as voted by the audience) at the third annual UH Mānoa Three Minute Thesis competition on…
Sabrina Diemert, a third year CEE PhD student with Dr. Tao Yan as her PhD advisor, won first place and the people’s choice award (as voted by the audience) at the third annual UH Mānoa Three Minute Thesis competition on…
Our department of civil engineering graduate program ranked 76 out of 152 in the nation according to U.S. News and World Report’s 2020 ranking. See UH news.
UH's newspaper KA LEO reports that UH Mānoa produces six Fulbright scholars, one of which is CEE's geotechnical engineering professor Phillip Ooi. UH Mānoa is one of 12 institutions on the list of U.S. colleges and universities that have the…
Dr. Roger Babcock Jr. is 2019 ENGINEER OF THE YEAR. The Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies selected CEE professor Roger Babcock Jr. as the 2019 Engineer of the Year in Hawaii. Congratulations! See featured award in Wiliki O Hawaii Februray,…
Lidek Boryszewski was awarded the Fall 2018 Outstanding Graduating Senior in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the College of Engineering Convocation held on December 14, 2018. Lidek graduated from McKinley High School. At UH in CEE, he has been on…
Field trip to the Matson terminal on Sand Island and first view of the brand new Daniel K. Inouye container-ship being prepped for loading for its first trip out of Honolulu. Dr. Eftychia Nathanail's graduate class on freight logistics was…
A major contribution to updating structural engineering guidelines for tsunami forces by Prof. Ian N. Robertson. Congratulations! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ National Science Foundation awarded a new research grant "RAPID: Molecular and Metagenomic Understanding of Coastal Water Quality and Health Risks After Hurricane…
CEEG (the Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Club) organized a successful "Welcome Back" social on Friday, Sept 7 in Holmes Hall 244 to socialize and share helpful resources with new students. Future events were discussed, including coffee hours on…
Dr. Panos Prevedouros gave a presentation "Autonomous and Driverless Vehicles: Hype, Reality and Sample Major Impacts" to ASCE Hawaii section on August 16, 2018. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations to Dr. Oceana Francis for her promotion to Associate Professor with tenure and Dr.…
Congratulations to 2018 Civil and Environmental Engineering Outstanding Graduating Senior Leah Miyasato ! Leah was a dynamic student chapter leader and graduated with a GPA of 3.98, and a minor in communications. She was the president of the student chapter…