April 2020
We are proud of our PhD candidate Sabrina Diemert for receiving UH's top award for teaching assistants. Dr. Krystyna S. Aune, Dean of the UH's Graduate Division wrote: "I am so pleased to inform you that the University of Hawai‘i…
We are proud of our PhD candidate Sabrina Diemert for receiving UH's top award for teaching assistants. Dr. Krystyna S. Aune, Dean of the UH's Graduate Division wrote: "I am so pleased to inform you that the University of Hawai‘i…
The Civil Engineering Graduate Program is on the top 5th in Graduate Majors with the most international students in Spring 2020 per UHM International Student Services (ISS) statics release. This is the consecutive 7th semester which the CE grad program…
Rainbow Wahine libero receives prestigious engineering award. UH Mānoa women’s volleyball player Rika Okino was named the 2020 Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies Student Engineer of the Year. Rika is majored in Civil Engineering. Congratulations to Rika! The American Society…
Dr. Harold S. Hamada, past professor and chairman, and currently professor emeritus and member of the department's Industry Advisory Committee was awarded the inaugural CEE at Illinois Distinguished Alumni Advocate Award by the University of Illinois civil engineering alumni association.…
CEE Associate Professor Sayed Bateni is the PI of a new $900,000 USDA grant on forecasting daily reference evapotranspiration and rainfall for water resources conservation and sustainable agriculture. Project objectives include 1) the use a robust hybrid wavelet-artificial neural network…
Six Chi Epsilon (XE) undergraduate students: Renz Aspacio, Theodore Uekawa, Eric Bisch, Chandelle Takahashi, Mallory Hataishi, Nathan Mashiyama and Faculty Advisor Lin Shen attended the 32nd Annual Pacific District Conference held at the California State University in Los Angeles from…
Interesting article about the symbiotic relationship of CEE with the Structural Engineering Association of Hawaii (SEAOH) featuring senior structures professor Ian Robertson. Graduate students Zhenning Li and Runze Yuan (pictured), recent PhD graduate (Pasha) Mohammadreza Hashemi and professors Guohui Zhang…
Dr. Guohui Zhang and the Hawaii Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE Hawaii) recently had a very well attended resume workshop in Holmes Hall. CEE senior Rika Okino played her part in UH's victory over UCLA in volleyball…
MS student Tyler Tsuchida was selected by the Fellows Committee of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) to receive the 2019 ACEC Life Health Trust Scholarship which includes a $5,000 award and a paid trip to ACEC's fall conference…
Professor Ron Riggs will retire in the summer of 2019 after 32 years of service as a professor at CEE including leadership positions as Graduate Program Chair, Department Chair (2003 to 2009) and Interim Dean from fall 2016 to spring…